Role: Social impact photography for rescued dogs.
1-2 Week Assignments
Creative Direction
Selected photos from some of my dog rescue related photography assignments.
1. Featured photograph (above): Pictured here a caregiver at VOSD Dog Sanctuary and Hospital reaches out to earn the trust of a rescued dog. This is a selected photograph from the VOSD Rescued Dog Calendar that I designed to raise funds for the non-profit, that is a no-kill, permanent home to hundreds of unadoptable, rescued dogs. 2. Photograph to support the adoption of a rescued dog, for The Bark Club (Dog boarding kennel) in Mumbai, India. 3. VOSD Dog Sanctuary: A rescued, formerly paralyzed (now recovered) shih tzu, is embraced by a VOSD caregiver. This photograph is also featured in the VOSD Rescued Dog Calendar. 4. An adoptable puppy sleeps during the World for All (puppy rescue non-profit based in Mumbai, India) Annual Adaptathon event.